John A. Baci, MBA, C-PM


Boston Children's Hospital

Dept. of Pathology
300 Longwood Avenue
Boston, MA 02115

John A. Baci, MBA, C-PM - Co-President

John Baci is the Executive Director of Pathology at Boston Children’s Hospital (Harvard Medical School) and the Chief Operating Officer of the Children’s Hospital Pathology Foundation, Inc. His current position involves comprehensive academic medical center administrative, financial, technical and facility management over all anatomic and research pathology divisions. John concurrently functions as the chief operating officer for a not-for-profit 501(c) corporation serving as a strategic administrative partner reporting to the President and Board of Directors.

John has been member of the APF Board of Directors since 2012 and has been active on the APF Membership and Programming Committees. John also serves as the Chairman of the Laboratory Management University (LMU) sponsored by the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) and has previously served as Chairman and Northeast Regional Representative to the Association of Pathology Chairs/Pathology Department Administrators Section. John earned his MBA from Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts and a BS in Biology/Anatomy from University of Massachusetts Dartmouth (formerly Southeastern Massachusetts University). John’s 34 year career in anatomic pathology began as an HT(ASCP) histologist and he spent years as a Pathologists’ Assistant.