Complete CPT, PQRS & ICD Code Instructions for Pathologists and Histo/Cyto Laboratories
End CPT, PQRS and ICD coding losses forever! Stay up-to-date with NCCI, MUE, NCD and more. Receive four quarterly editions, plus special bulletins as issued, when you subscribe to APF’s Pathology Service Coding Handbook.
End CPT, PQRS and ICD coding losses forever! Stay up-to-date with NCCI, MUE, NCD and more. Receive four quarterly editions, plus special bulletins as issued, when you subscribe to APF’s Pathology Service Coding Handbook.
Pathology Service Coding Handbook is the only comprehensive (more than 625 pages) guide to CPT, PQRS and ICD coding for anatomic and clinical pathology services on the market today. Disciplines covered in the electronic text are surgical pathology, cytopathology (including Pap test), dermatopathology, hematopathology, neuropathology, renal pathology, blood bank and transfusion medicine, molecular pathology, cytogenetics, clinical test interpretations and consultations, and more. The manual includes medical reporting considerations; Medicare’s National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI), Medically Unlikely Edit (MUE), Local Coverage Determination (LCD), and National Coverage Determination (NCD) rules; ICD diagnosis coding; Medicare’s Physician Quality Reporting System (PQRS) bonus; and much more. Several crib sheets help you speed your daily coding work without sacrificing accuracy.
The Handbook is designed for on-screen use as an electronic guidebook.
Bookmarks and cross-links embedded in the electronic text take you instantly to the procedure, code, or rule you’re looking for – no more thumbing through an index, then flipping page after page trying to find the exact information you need. There’s also keyword search capability. Those piles of lists, notes, and 3-ring binders you’ve been using are obsolete!
The Handbook is delivered via email or APF website download as an Adobe PDF file on or before the 10th day of each calendar quarter; therefore, you
always have up-to-date information, without hassle of sorting or filing.